A Swift Solution for Spill Clean Up Going Into 2023

Whether or not you’re a Taylor Swift fan, she wrote a song that’s appropriate for a lot of folks come January 1stNew Year’s Day. In the song, she sings, “I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year’s Day.”

It’s refreshing to see Millennials so focused on home maintenance. We wish Swift had consulted us as she was writing the lyrics, however; perhaps there would have been a way to weave in something memorable about XSORB Universal, the leading spill clean up solution for more than 30 years. Because goodness knows, there will be spills to clean up on New Year’s Day, with all those bottles.

But since the pop star didn’t contact Impact Absorbents, we’ll just continue to spread the word as we always have: by offering you, our loyal customers, more than 500 spill clean up and spill containment products to create a sparkling home and business as you enter the new year.

It’s simple to get started:

  1. Click on our Products page, which will pull up different categories. Select the products that best meet your current needs.
  2. Want to jump right to the most environmentally friendly offerings on the market today? Under Products, choose “ECOLOGO Certified.” This certification indicates a product has undergone rigorous scientific testing to ensure it has the lowest possible environmental impact. 

So start the new year off right, with clean, green spill clean up and spill containment solutions that keep your business on the cutting edge, in terms of appearance, safety, and planetary footprint. It’s the simplest, swiftest way to clean up on New Year’s Day.

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