Fast-acting Madison fire department resolves chemical spill with absorbent devices

A chemical spill on the University of Wisconsin campus earlier this week caused most of the facility to be evacuated, Channel 3000 News.

The Madison Fire Department Hazardous Incident Team responded at 10:15 a.m. to a report of a dangerous chemical spill in a laboratory in the Biochemistry building of the university. Upon arrival, the Hazardous Incident Team took to the scene to determine the air quality and identify the chemicals.

The team used absorbent materials after discovering the spill, the news source reports. The efforts of the Fire Department and the building’s ventilation helped remove the toxic vapors rather quickly.

In situations where caustic chemical spills threaten the lives and safety of individuals, absorbent supplies, such as the XSORB Caustic Neutralizing Absorbent Bag, can be of use. It instantly neutralizes and absorbs most organic and inorganic spills in a safe manner.

Chemical spills can inflict damage on people who unknowingly inhale toxic vapors. It is important for officials to quickly solve any issues related to unconfined leaks. The speedy reaction times of the Madison Fire Department Hazardous Incident Team helped keep people safe on the University of Wisconsin campus.

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