Food, Glorious Food Oops!

Eating. It’s something we all do, perhaps more in the colder months than at other times of the year. With night descending early and dreary weather calling us inside, the kitchen is often a natural place to congregate. This is true even in business especially considering some of the outstanding cafeterias companies now provide to lure the best talent.

But one reality remains: with all that preparation, serving, and consumption going on, something is going to get spilled at some point, either at home, at the office, or at the restaurant whose workers are making a valiant effort to keep families well served and happy. That’s why businesses that use Impact Absorbents are thankful they have XSORB Spill Stations at the ready, to leave floors clean, dry and residue free in a matter of minutes.

No doubt they also keep a canister or three of Biofresh available, for those who overestimate what their stomachs can hold at one sitting. Biofresh is a specially engineered encapsulator designed to instantly contain, absorb, and disinfect liquids on contact, transforming contaminated liquid waste into solid waste for fast and easy disposal while leaving the surface clean and dry. And it’s completely safe to use.

So by all means, enjoy eating on these dark winter days and evenings, and be sure to thank whoever has cooked up the meal you’ve savored. The businesses that serve you are grateful spill clean up is easier than ever, thanks to the effective, efficient and environmentally sound spill clean up products created by Impact Absorbents.

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