Metcalf Science Center evacuated due to chemical spill

Ether being spilled in a laboratory caused Boston University’s Metcalf Science Center to be evacuated on October 31. Around four liters of ether were found spilled in a laboratory existing on the fourth floor of the building, The Daily Free Press reports.

Students were working there when the spill occurred, but no evidence existed that would specify the cause of the leak, Boston Fire Department spokesman Steve MacDonald told the media outlet.

The fire department evacuated the entire building as a precaution, according to the media outlet. The chemical is not too hazardous and spills do not necessitate extensive cleanup. MacDonald said that the spill was very small, but that guidelines such as evacuating buildings should be followed.

People were allowed to reenter the building in less than 45 minutes, the media outlet reports. The fourth floor was off-limits until it could be examined for risks by representatives from Boston University Environmental Health & Safety.

According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, ether is synthetic and only small amounts of the substance are produced in the United States.  

Spills such as this one can be contained using top products from Impact Absorbents such as XSORB II Super Absorbent Encapsulator. 

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