Oil spill in Utah contained by absorbent devices

A person in Riverdale, Utah, noticed a strange substance coming from a drain near the Weber River on Wednesday, February 9, 2012, and quickly called the police, reports Fox13now.com.

A cleanup company arrived along with the local police department to analyze the scene. An oil sheen had begun to form on the surface of the water, and cleanup crews worked diligently to contain the spill in a timely manner, reports the news source.

Officials used specialized materials that allow water to pass through, but trap petroleum, to contain the oil.

Public works employees have yet to find the source of the spill, but have narrowed down the possibilities.

Absorbent materials that repel water, but soak-up oil are useful when extracting the substance from marine environments. The XSORB Oil Select Boom is a high-quality device with the capability to remove petroleum-based products from waterways, holding ponds, boating areas, contaminated barrels and sumps.

Cleanup crews in Utah may want to use XSORB Oil Select Booms because they absorb four times their own weight and are a non-toxic and eco-friendly alternative to other absorbent products.

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