Rock On With Easy Concert Clean Up!

It’s the perfect season for concerts: summer is almost over, and there’s time for one last hurrah before buckling down to school or work. Given the record number of Boomers who are not only attending concerts but performing them in their fifties, sixties and beyond (think Stones, Springsteen, Madonna, McCartney), multiple generations are turning out to enjoy the tunes in event centers from coast to coast.

While this can translate into a healthy bottom line for your business, keeping the Center healthy is another kettle of fish. You probably don’t sell fish at concerts, which could get quite messy. But the corndogs, soda, popcorn, candy bars and other munchies can certainly leave seats and floors rather sticky and if someone parties a little too hearty, you may have to clean up the entire contents of their stomach. Don’t let the thought give you a headache, however (the sound system may have already done that; next time, wear earplugs). Instead, reach for XSORB’s new Biofresh Spill Kit. Biofresh has always made spill clean-up a snap: our specially engineered, non-toxic formula instantly contains, absorbs and disinfects liquids on contact, turning contaminated liquid waste into solid waste for fast and easy disposal, while leaving the surface clean and dry. Now our Biofresh Spill Kit puts all the tools you need to handle a spill in one place, making spill containment even easier: in addition to Biofresh, the Spill Kit includes a dustpan and brush, dust mask, disposal bag and gloves. Both the public and your event center personnel will be protected from any biohazards that may result from concertgoers overindulging in more than the music. And football season is coming. Those fans can be even wilder than aging rock fans. But now you’ll be ready for them, too.

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