Why Rough It? Roof It!

“There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza,” goes an old children’s song. While Liza advises her husband to mend the hole with straw (which we advocate for erosion control as well), a leaky roof can present a much bigger spill clean up emergency than a hole in your bucket!

Spring is the best time to put a new roof on your business. An event center with a hole in its roof could lose business if a sudden thunderstorm destroys a band’s pricey sound system or rains on the lead guitar player’s Gibson!

And a four-star restaurant might find its rating downgraded if the roof leaks on a couple’s anniversary celebration dinner particularly if that couple is the mayor and his wife.

A school roof leak might mistakenly be thought a kids’ spring fever prank, especially if the leak destroys their final exam before it’s administered. Dream on, kids. The school administrators are on top of the problem, and that sound you hear is the roof repair truck pulling up outside.

So take this opportunity to ensure your business has a sound ceiling, inside and out. Next, be sure to stock up on spill clean up supplies for those upcoming events, fine dining experiences and final school days for the 2015 spring. Once summer starts, everybody will be ready to raise the roof with fun activities. Best to start with a solid foundation er, roof before the festivities.


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