Sprucin’ Up and Movin’ On

Have you noticed a spate of business closures — and new business openings — since the pandemic began? Maybe you’re among them.

One day a restaurant or boutique that’s been on a downtown street for 20 years goes dark, with a sign on the door thanking the community for their loyal patronage all this time. Not long after, a different sign indicates a new establishment is about to take its place. That’s you.

But in between, a lot has to transpire. The former establishment’s furniture and wares must be removed from inside. And both inside and possibly outside, a paint job helps inform the public that there’s been a change.

After all this energetic preparation, however, one slight problem remains: leftover paint. You don’t really have a safe place to store it, and in any case, you’re unlikely to need it again for quite some time. You can’t just dump it in the trash, though.

The smart solution? Rock Solid Paint Hardener. XSORB Rock Solid Paint Hardener quickly, easily and safely transforms unwanted paint into a disposable solid form, making it an environmentally friendly option for disposal —even in landfills.

Simply add Rock Solid to paint and shake or stir. The paint hardens into a disposable solid within minutes, and can be used on all latex/acrylic paints.

And, your new (or newly relocated) business will be welcomed as an eco warrior: Rock Solid is one of many Impact Absorbent products that have received Ecologo certification from UL. Ecologo criteria identify the top overall environmental performers on the market that reduce potential burden on the environment per unit of production.

The criteria focus on toxicity to human, aquatic and mammalian life, noxious emissions to water, and packaging.

So congratulations on your new business, and for being environmentally conscious. Oh, and if it’s a restaurant? Please book us a table for Saturday at 8.

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